
Showing posts from August, 2023


What I have omitted from the Introduction post, is some of my contacts . Here are the most important ones. For a more comprehensive list, see my Linktree . Twitter : Mastodon : LinkedIn : GitHub : Discord ID : wallabra  Skype ID:  live:.cid.2a4e8e635b22f947 Email : Phone : +55 (51) 98934-5918 ... as of time of writing.


This is the beginning of the blog. Welcome! I suppose there's no better way to begin than a brief introduction of myself. My name is Gustavo Ramos Rehermann. I am an aspiring soundtrack composer and software developer, and Systems Analysis undergraduate. I have contributed to community soundtrack projects, and I have also worked on a wide variety of personal projects; AI related projects, video games projects and modifications, compilers, the list goes on. At the time of writing I'm still putting a portfolio proper together. At the time being, you can listen to some of my older music on my Audiomack (I'm still working on cherry-picking better tracks to put them up on Bandcamp for a better portfolio), and my software projects on GitHub . While I'm still trying to get employment or gigs, I'm already doing some collaboration and work with other people online. For instance, I maintain a handful of Arch Linux AUR packages , and contributed to some other projects on Git...